The Satchel Pulse Blog

Why do students misbehave?

Written by Paola Mileo | Jan 18, 2024 9:00:00 PM

Key takeaways

  • Decoding Behavior: Unravel the complex threads of children's actions to understand the underlying reasons and shift toward an empathetic, emotional intelligence approach in addressing misbehavior.
  • Needs in Focus: Explore the interplay of instinctual needs, emotional regulation, and social skills, recognizing that misbehavior is often a call for attention, connection, or coping mechanisms.
  • Beyond Labels: Challenge the perception of misbehavior, viewing it as an opportunity for growth rather than a deficiency, and empower yourself as an educator to create supportive environments for every child's uniqueness.

Why is it crucial to delve beyond the surface of children's behavior and cultivate an understanding of its underlying causes? When considering an adult who has experienced abuse and exhibits harsh behavior, society often acknowledges the impact of their past trauma on their actions. However, a contrasting pattern emerges when addressing children's misbehavior, particularly in school. Are we prone to fixating on the observable behavior rather than investigating the root cause, and if so, why does this tendency persist? Could it reflect historical, educational practices emphasizing control and authority over understanding and support?

When children misbehave, it's essential to recognize that their actions are often messages communicating unmet needs. Understanding misbehavior as a form of expression can prompt a shift towards an emotional intelligence approach in addressing these issues. Instead of solely focusing on the behavior itself, decoding these messages can lead to a more empathetic response. 

Here, we will reflect on how a shift in our approach, guided by emotional intelligence, can significantly change how we address and support children facing challenges. By recognizing and responding to their unmet needs, we create an environment that fosters growth, emotional well-being, and positive behavioral development.

Unraveling the Mystery of Misbehavior: A Call to Understand and Act

Educators, parents, and caregivers often grapple with the question: Why do children misbehave? This seemingly simple question unravels a complex web of factors influencing a child’s behavior. From personal issues and peer pressure to lack of engagement and family dynamics, the reasons behind misbehavior are as diverse as the children themselves.

Historically, educational practices have emphasized control and authority, leading us to fixate on observable behavior rather than understanding the root cause. However, this approach could steer our attention away from the underlying issues and contribute to a power dynamic between adults and children that may not be beneficial.

In our quest to manage classroom conduct effectively, it becomes crucial to question ourselves beyond observable behavior and investigate the root causes. Like an iceberg, the visible misbehavior is often just the tip, with a vast expanse of underlying issues hidden beneath the surface. When we shift our perspective and view misbehavior not as defiance but as a form of communication, we open the door to empathy, curiosity, and a commitment to addressing the underlying reasons.

Addressing student behavior is not merely about maintaining discipline or ensuring a quiet classroom. It’s about fostering a conducive learning environment where students can learn and grow happily. If not addressed appropriately, misbehavior can lead to unmet learning targets, disrupting the educational journey of the students involved and their peers. Moreover, persistent misbehavior can exert immense stress on educators, often leading to teacher burnout.

However, every instance of misbehavior can be a potential learning opportunity. It’s a call for us to understand the underlying issues that lead to such behavior. Is it a reflection of unmet needs, a cry for attention, or a response to an unfavorable environment? Recognizing and responding to children’s unmet needs can create an environment that fosters growth, emotional well-being, and positive behavioral development. Let’s remember the aim is not to eliminate misbehavior but to understand it, minimize its disruptive impact, and channel it into constructive learning experiences. Because when we change our perspective, we change their world.

Emotional intelligence: The key to academic success and well-being for teachers and students

Read article

Needs Into the Language of Student Behavior

Human behavior, including the expression of needs, is a complex tapestry woven from various threads such as biology, environment, and individual experiences. To understand how needs translate into behavior, we must examine the intricate interplay between these factors. This becomes particularly crucial when addressing misbehavior in children, as their brains undergo dynamic processes that significantly contribute to their actions.

At a fundamental level, we, as humans, share instinctual needs for survival, safety, nourishment, and social connection. These needs, deeply embedded in our DNA, drive behaviors such as seeking food, forming bonds, and avoiding danger. These are not mere actions but evolutionary responses refined over millennia to ensure our survival. But how do these primal needs translate into the context of a classroom?

As we grow and develop cognitively, our ability to assess these needs and make decisions evolves. Rational thinking, problem-solving, and goal-setting become integral tools in our arsenal, translating our primal needs into purposeful behavior. It’s akin to a sculptor chiseling a block of marble, gradually revealing the form within. But what happens when this cognitive development intersects with the structured environment of a classroom?

Emotions play a significant role. Joy, anger, and sadness are responses to internal or external stimuli, colors on the palette of our emotional landscape. Over time, we learn to regulate these emotions, influencing how our needs are communicated through our behavior. It’s a delicate balancing act, much like a tightrope walker maintaining their equilibrium. So, how do these emotional responses influence student behavior?

Language and social skills then become our crucial tools for expressing these needs. Verbal and nonverbal communication, from spoken words to gestures and facial expressions, enable us to convey our desires and seek assistance from others. Our past experiences and learned behaviors shape how these needs are expressed. Just as a river is shaped by the landscape it flows through, our responses to certain situations are molded by positive and negative reinforcements. This learning and conditioning process contributes to the development of habits, creating the unique tapestry of our behavior. 

Don’t Take it Personal! 

As educators, it’s crucial to remember not to take students’ misbehavior personally. It’s natural to feel upset or frustrated when faced with disruptive behavior, but it’s important to remember that these actions do not reflect us as educators. Instead, they’re often a manifestation of the student’s struggles, whether they’re academic, social, or emotional.

Taking it personally can cloud our judgment and inhibit our ability to find effective solutions. Making this shift requires practice and patience. It involves developing a mindset of empathy and understanding, much like Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird” who said, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”

The Messages Behind Actions 

Behavior is a dynamic and multifaceted form of communication, especially in the case of children. When children misbehave, it's important to recognize that their actions are not random or arbitrary; rather, they serve as a powerful means of conveying messages about their internal states, needs, and experiences. Decoding these messages requires a thoughtful and empathetic approach, considering various factors that may be influencing the child's behavior. Here, we try to list some possible causes. 

Unmet Needs:

Children, particularly those still developing language skills, may struggle to express their needs verbally. Misbehavior can be a way for them to communicate unmet needs or desires. It might signify hunger, fatigue, discomfort, or a need for attention and affection. Observing the context and identifying potential triggers can offer insights into the underlying needs prompting the behavior.

Emotional Expression:

Children often lack the vocabulary to articulate complex emotions. Misbehavior can be an outlet for frustration, sadness, or confusion. Understanding the emotional undercurrents behind their actions allows caregivers and educators to address the root cause rather than merely responding to the outward behavior. Teaching children emotional literacy empowers them to express their feelings more appropriately.

Seeking Attention or Connection:

Misbehavior can serve as a plea for attention or connection, especially in environments where positive attention is scarce. Children may act out to elicit a response from adults or peers, indicating a desire for engagement or validation. Creating opportunities for positive interactions and fostering a supportive environment can diminish the need for attention-seeking misbehavior.

Testing Boundaries:

Children naturally explore boundaries to understand societal norms and expectations as part of their development. Misbehavior can be a way of testing limits and asserting autonomy. Instead of reacting with strict discipline, offering clear and consistent boundaries helps children feel secure while learning acceptable behavior.

Coping Mechanism:

Misbehavior can also be a coping mechanism for stress, change, or overwhelming emotions. Children may lack effective strategies for handling challenging situations, leading to disruptive behavior. Teaching and modeling coping skills can empower them to navigate difficulties more adaptively.

Communication of Discomfort:

Physical or sensory discomfort can manifest as misbehavior. A child may be signaling discomfort through their actions, whether with a learning task, sensory sensitivities, or a physical ailment. Identifying and addressing these discomforts contributes to a more supportive and accommodating environment.

The Puzzle of Misbehavior: Understanding the Whys Behind Children's Actions

As students progress through different stages of cognitive development, their understanding of social norms, consequences, and moral reasoning evolves. This evolution can manifest in various ways - younger students may exhibit impulsive behavior, while older students might engage in more complex, intentional misconduct. How can we, as educators, adapt our teaching strategies to cater to these developmental changes?

Peer influence becomes more significant as students age. Adolescents, in particular, may be more susceptible to peer pressure, which can contribute to certain types of misbehavior. How can we effectively equip our students with the skills to navigate these social dynamics?

Emotional regulation, a skill that improves with age, plays a crucial role in behavior. Younger students may struggle to express and manage their emotions appropriately, leading to disruptive behavior. Adolescents facing heightened emotions may grapple with identity issues and stress, influencing their behavior. 

With age, students seek greater autonomy and independence. This quest for independence may manifest as defiance or rebellious behavior, especially during adolescence. 

Family dynamics and environmental factors, such as transitioning from primary to secondary school, can also significantly impact behavior. Students may struggle adapting to new social structures, expectations, and academic challenges. 

Cultural norms and societal expectations shape behavior. Students from different cultural backgrounds may exhibit varying attitudes toward authority and rules. 

Academic struggles, such as difficulties with reading or math, can also lead to student misbehavior in the classroom. Frustration and feelings of inadequacy can cause students to lash out or act disruptively to cope with their struggles. 

Every child is a one-of-a-kind individual, and individual differences in temperament, personality, and learning styles can contribute to misbehavior. It’s essential to recognize that misbehavior is multifaceted, and interventions should be tailored to individual needs. A holistic approach that considers age, cognitive and emotional development, family dynamics, and cultural context is more likely to effectively address and prevent student misbehavior. Regular communication between educators, parents, and students can foster a supportive environment for understanding and managing behavioral challenges.

Decoding Behavior: Translating Surface Actions into Emotions and Needs in Children

Children’s emotions and behaviors are often interconnected, serving as windows into their needs and feelings. Recognizing these connections can provide valuable insights that enable us to support our students better. Here are some examples and questions we can try to answer in scouting for the best applicable solutions. 

  1. Anger: Could this be a manifestation of frustration, fear, or feeling misunderstood? How can we address these underlying issues in our classrooms? 
  2. Fear: Might this indicate a sense of insecurity or a need for safety? How can we create a secure learning environment for all students?
  3. Sadness: Could this suggest a need for comfort, love, or reassurance? How can we provide emotional support within the school setting?
  4. Excitement: Could this reflect a need for stimulation or a desire to share joy? How can we channel this energy into productive learning activities?
  5. Withdrawal: Might this indicate a need for space or time to process feelings? How can we respect this need while ensuring the student feels supported?

Each child is a unique blend and may express their needs and emotions differently. Observing, listening, and responding to each child’s needs is important.  These translations are general guidelines. A nuanced understanding of the child’s temperament, developmental stage, and specific context is crucial for accurate interpretation and effective response, reason why we are asking ourselves open questions as we believe each child and each educator together can scout their unique way to deal with the situation. 

Interpreting children’s behavior in terms of needs and emotions involves understanding that behavior is a form of communication. Here’s an evidence-based guide to interpreting some common children’s behaviors in terms of underlying needs or emotions:

  1. Tantrums or Aggression: Could this indicate frustration, feeling overwhelmed, or lack of control? How can we help the child communicate their needs more effectively?
  2. Withdrawal or Isolation: Might this suggest fear, anxiety, or overstimulation? How can we provide a quiet, safe space for the child to process their emotions?
  3. Resistance or Defiance: Could this reflect a desire for autonomy, independence, or frustration? How can we provide choices within acceptable limits?
  4. Clinginess or Regression: Might this indicate insecurity or a need for reassurance? How can we offer comfort and support to help the child feel more secure?
  5. Crying or Whining: Could this suggest discomfort, frustration, or fatigue? How can we address these issues in a compassionate and understanding manner?

As educators, we must always remember that we are not alone; collaborating with colleagues, reaching out to parents, and seeking advice from child development specialists can provide additional support and insights. 

Parent engagement: A key to addressing challenging behavior

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Avoiding Labels, Maximizing Growth

In the dynamic environment of a school, behavioral issues are not outliers but rather an integral part of children’s growth and learning journey. As children traverse their developmental stages, they experiment, push boundaries, and learn from their experiences. This process, intertwined with the evolving structure of their maturing minds, often results in behaviors that may be perceived as challenging.

However, it’s essential to remember Goethe’s insightful words: “The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.” Labeling these behaviors as ‘misbehavior’ can unintentionally lead to feelings of shame, potentially impeding the child’s growth. Instead, perceiving these behaviors as opportunities for learning and growth can cultivate a more positive and supportive environment.

Labels can create a profound ripple effect, particularly in an educational context. When we label a child’s behavior, it not only influences how we perceive and interact with them but also how they perceive themselves and their abilities. This can impact their self-esteem, motivation, and overall learning experience.

For instance, labeling a child as ‘misbehaving’ might result in punitive measures at home that don’t address the root cause of the behavior. The child might internalize this label, leading to feelings of shame or inadequacy. Conversely, understanding the behavior as a form of communication or a reflection of unmet needs can lead to more empathetic and effective responses.

The goal is not to create a utopian classroom devoid of behavioral issues but rather to minimize their frequency and intensity over time. By understanding, guiding, and responding to these behaviors effectively, we can assist children in learning to navigate their emotions and actions better. 


As educators, our role extends beyond teaching academic content. We are also architects of the learning environment, shaping it to enable every child to succeed. As J. Stuart Ablon insightfully states in his TED, “Rethinking Challenging Kids-Where There’s a Skill There’s a Way”, we need to shift our perspective from “Kids do well if they want” to “Kids do well if they can”.

This profound statement underscores the importance of discerning the primary sources of misbehavior. Children’s misbehavior often manifests their unmet needs or unexpressed emotions. By channeling these emotions and addressing the underlying needs, we can transform the landscape of misbehavior. It’s not about suppressing or punishing the behavior but rather about understanding it, empathizing with it, and guiding the child toward more constructive expressions.

Creating a supportive learning environment is key in this process. An environment that teaches academic skills, emotional intelligence, and coping mechanisms. An environment that sees misbehavior not as defiance but as a call for help, a signal that the child is struggling with a skill they haven’t mastered yet.

So, here is a call to action for all educators: Let’s create an environment where every child feels welcomed. When we see a child misbehaving, let’s not ask, “Why won’t they behave?” Instead, ask, “What can we do to help them learn the skills they need to behave?” Because, indeed, kids do well if they can. Let’s aim to minimize the frequency and intensity of behavioral issues over time, not by suppressing them but by understanding and addressing them. Let’s turn today’s behavioral issue into tomorrow’s learning opportunity because every child deserves the chance to succeed. And we can make that happen.


J. Stuart Ablon, Rethinking Challenging Kids-Where There's a Skill There's a WayTEDxBeaconStreet

Westrupp, E. M., Macdonald, J. A., Bennett, C., Havighurst, S., Kehoe, C. E., Foley, D., Berkowitz, T. S., King, G. L., & Youssef, G. J. (Year). The Child and Parent Emotion Study: Protocol for a Longitudinal Study of Parent Emotion Socialisation and Child Socioemotional Development.