The Satchel Pulse Blog

How to deal with student misbehavior

Written by Paola Mileo | Jan 24, 2024 8:32:12 PM

 Key takeaways

  • Proactive Compassion: Implement proactive strategies to prevent misbehavior while creating a foundation for positive change, acknowledging misbehavior as an opportunity for growth.
  • Generational Impact: Address student misbehavior with compassion holds the potential for profound, enduring change, breaking the cycle of punitive measures and positively influencing the emotional well-being and trajectories of future generations
  • Transformative Educational Shift: Restorative practices and personalized approaches are powerful for positive interventions, empathy, and effective, durable solutions.

Every act of misbehavior is a potent message, a call to understand and intervene. Beyond the surface of disruption lies an invaluable opportunity for positive change. As we explore strategies to address student misbehavior, we transcend conventional punitive measures, weaving a narrative of compassion, understanding, and the cultivation of emotional skills.

Amid this reflective journey, we are guided by a compelling question: How would you address your grandad's misbehavior back then with the knowledge you possess now? Consider the ripple effect—from his life to yours. This leading question propels us to contemplate the profound impact of compassionate strategies on not just individual behaviors but on the interconnected fabric of generations.

This paradigm shift signifies more than a move from discipline to dialogue; it symbolizes our shared responsibility as educators—a collective commitment to nurturing compassionate environments where positive behavior takes root. Here, amidst these moments of misbehavior, we recognize unique opportunities to impart invaluable life skills.

From Family Flashback to Future Vision

Our understanding of human behavior is evolving; we find ourselves at the forefront of a transformative movement dealing with challenging behaviors. Gone are the days when punitive measures were the default response, often leading to a cycle of escalating problems. Today, we stand as changemakers, recognizing that compassion, understanding, and the cultivation of emotional skills are key to addressing the complexities of stressors and emotional needs.

As the trends in parenting and educational settings undergo profound changes, we embrace the role of change agents. It is not merely about doing things differently for the sake of novelty but rather a conscientious choice rooted in evidence-based data, statistics, and a vision that draws lessons from our past. The question that arises is poignant: If we were to confront the naughty behavior of our grandad, the same behavior that once warranted harsh punishment, how would we handle it today, armed with the knowledge of circumstances and a deeper understanding?

Imagine if, back then, we could have approached him with understanding and empathy; what might have been the ripple effect on the trajectory of his life? What about the future generations, including your mother or father, and ultimately, the impact on you?

Addressing our grandad's behavior with compassion is not just about the immediate resolution but carries the potential for profound and enduring change. By choosing empathy over harsh punishment, we may have altered the course of his life, fostering emotional growth and potentially breaking the cycle of punitive measures. In doing so, the long-term outcome could have been a life marked by understanding, resilience, and improved mental well-being.

Consider the implications for your mother or father, growing up in an environment where compassionate understanding was the norm rather than punitive discipline. The impact on their emotional well-being, relationships, and overall life trajectory could have been transformative. Breaking the cycle holds immense power in shaping not only individual destinies but also the collective experiences of future generations.

And then, there's the direct impact on you. Imagine growing up in a family where compassion and understanding were the guiding principles. The skills and insights gained from navigating such an environment would undoubtedly shape your worldview, influencing how you approach challenges, relationships, and personal growth.

In contemplating this alternative narrative, we find inspiration in the possibility of rewriting not just our grandad's story but the stories of those who came after him, including ourselves. It's a reminder that our choices today, rooted in compassion and empathy, possess the transformative power to create a legacy of understanding and resilience for future generations. 

What sets us apart is a desire for change and a commitment to informed decision-making. We recognize that more information and a heightened awareness of the emotional landscape are crucial tools. Instead of opting for quick fixes and immediate reactions, we delve into the issue's root. Our approach is about addressing problems, not merely suppressing symptoms.

In this transformation era, being a changemaker is not a catchphrase but a conscious decision to create a ripple effect of understanding, empathy, and effective solutions. It's about recognizing the power of positive interventions, adopting practices that foster growth, and understanding that change begins with us. 

What Changed Over the Last 20 Years? 

Over the past two decades, the approach to addressing school behavioural issues has transformed significantly. Initially dominated by punitive measures like suspensions and expulsions in the early 2000s, the focus was on punishment rather than understanding the root causes of misbehavior. Zero-tolerance policies, while seeking to ensure safety, faced criticism for their disproportionate impact on minority students and limited effectiveness in addressing underlying issues.

In the 2010s, a notable shift occurred with the rise of restorative justice practices, emphasizing collaboration to find resolutions and address the root causes of misbehavior. The recognition of trauma's impact on student behavior led to the adoption of trauma-informed approaches, fostering a more compassionate school environment. Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs, life skills teaching, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) emerged as effective proactive measures. Technology played a vital role in tracking and addressing behavioral issues, especially during the challenges of remote learning in the 2020s. 

Looking ahead, the dynamic nature of education suggests ongoing adaptations based on research, societal changes, and educational advancements, with schools tailoring strategies to specific needs.

Building Connections: Navigating Behavioral Challenges with Compassion and Understanding

Harsh disciplinary measures, such as zero-tolerance policies and excessive suspensions, have proven ineffective, contributing to a negative school environment and potentially damaging outcomes. Research, including a meta-analysis published in the "Review of Educational Research," indicates that punitive approaches often fail to address the root causes of behavioral issues, leading to increased disengagement and repeated misconduct. In contrast, evidence supports restorative practices, emphasizing harm repair, empathy, and relationship building, leading to positive outcomes and reduced suspension rates.

Punitive attitudes, like zero-tolerance policies, tend to escalate conflicts, increase dropout rates, and disproportionately affect minority students. The negative impact on student's mental health and academic success, highlighted by the American Psychological Association, underscores the limitations of punitive approaches in addressing underlying issues contributing to misbehavior. Restorative practices align with a holistic, relationship-centred approach, fostering a supportive environment conducive to positive behavioral change. At the same time, punitive measures may exacerbate problems and hinder student well-being and academic progress.

Recent trends in our quest for transformative learning environments emphasize positive behavior interventions, restorative practices, social-emotional learning programs, and personalized approaches tailored to individual needs. Creating a positive school culture and fostering strong teacher-student relationships become crucial elements. The true power lies in understanding the 'why' behind behavior, emphasizing the importance of connection, belonging, and small acts that may not impact rankings but significantly contribute to the fabric of a compassionate and supportive learning environment.

The Collective Responsibility in Shaping Student Behavior

In recognizing every school community's diverse and dynamic nature, we understand that each educational ecosystem is distinct and shaped by the unique diversity of teachers, educators, and students. The behavioral messages we encounter are uniquely crafted, and their root causes, intricately intertwined with the individual fabric of our school communities, are equally distinct. As we explore the strategies below, emphasise that the most effective solutions will emerge when tailored to the specific characteristics of your school, class group, and individual students.

The imperative of addressing students' behavior extends well beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. While we suggest implementing strategies, it is crucial to underscore the importance of customization, adaptation, and creativity in their application. Consider the strategies as a toolkit, adaptable to the nuances and intricacies of your educational environment. This acknowledgment reinforces the understanding that, as a collective force, we have the agency to shape our educational journey by crafting bespoke solutions that resonate with our school community's unique needs and challenges.

  • Understanding the Root Causes:

As educators, we cultivate a mindset beyond observing behaviors at face value. Invest time in understanding the root causes, be it family issues, personal struggles, or past traumas. Engage in open conversations with students, creating a space where they feel heard and supported and point towards specific support when needed. 

Why do students misbehave?

Read article

Embrace empathy as a cornerstone of our educational approach. Encourage fellow educators to put themselves in the shoes of their students, fostering understanding and compassion. Sharing personal experiences can bridge the gap between teacher and student, creating a supportive learning environment.

Recognize the profound impact of positive teacher-student relationships. Strive to create an atmosphere of trust and support. Acknowledge students' strengths and accomplishments, fostering a sense of pride and connection within the learning journey.

The impact of teacher-student relationships on student perceptions

Read article

  • Effective Communication:

Equip both teachers and students with effective communication skills. Establish an environment where open communication is valued. This can be achieved through regular check-ins, classroom discussions, and platforms for students to express their thoughts and concerns.

  • Frustration Management:

Actively teach strategies for managing frustration, stress, and anger. This includes introducing students to healthy coping mechanisms and stress-relief techniques. Create a culture where seeking help and expressing emotions is normalized.

Advocate for the integration of emotional intelligence education into the curriculum. Help students understand and manage their emotions, fostering self-awareness and empathy. Incorporate activities that encourage reflection on emotional experiences.

  • Creating a Positive School Culture:

Actively contribute to the creation of a positive and inclusive school culture. This involves promoting all students' sense of belonging, acceptance, and respect. Encourage collaborative projects that celebrate diversity and showcase the richness of varied perspectives.

  • Individualized Support Plans:

Advocate for the implementation of individualized support plans for students facing behavioral challenges. Collaborate with fellow educators and support staff to tailor interventions to meet the unique needs of each student. Regularly reassess and adjust plans as needed.

  • Professional Development for Teachers:

As educators, engage in continuous professional development to enhance your understanding of behavioral issues. Attend workshops, participate in peer learning communities and best practices and share insights with colleagues. This ongoing commitment ensures a well-equipped teaching force capable of managing diverse classrooms.

  • Mental Health Awareness:

Promote mental health awareness within the school community—Foster discussions around the impact of mental health on behavior. Advocate for resources and support systems to assist students facing mental health challenges.

  • Conflict Resolution Skills:

Actively teach conflict resolution skills to both students and fellow educators. Create opportunities for constructive dialogue and problem-solving—model effective conflict resolution behaviors within the school community.

  • Peer Support Programs:

Implement and support peer mentorship programs that foster positive relationships among students. Encourage the development of strong peer connections, where students can provide guidance and support to one another.

  • Celebrating Diversity:

Embrace and celebrate diversity within the school community. As educators, infuse lessons and activities that highlight the beauty of differences. Foster an inclusive environment where every student feels valued and accepted.

  • Family and Community Engagement:

Actively engage families and communities in supporting student behavior. Collaborate with parents through education programs, involve community mentors, and establish partnerships with local organizations. Strengthening these connections reinforces a shared commitment to students' well-being.

Tailoring Restorative Practices

Embracing restorative practices within the school community is a powerful step toward cultivating a sense of belonging and shared responsibility. As previousl said, it's crucial to recognize the unique ecosystem of each school and tailor solutions to meet specific needs and potentials. Restorative practices thrive in an environment where teachers and educators adapt strategies to align with the dynamics of their classrooms. For example, combining restorative practices with trauma-informed approaches acknowledges the potential impact of trauma on students' behavior, fostering a safe and supportive space. Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into the curriculum provides a foundation for essential skills, contributing to a positive school culture. 

Here is our list of strategies for tailoring restorative practices within your school community:

Circle Time:

Use regular circle time sessions where students and teachers discuss various topics, including feelings, experiences, and concerns. This open dialogue helps build a sense of community and trust.

Restorative Conferences:

When a conflict arises, hold restorative conferences involving the affected parties. This includes the student who misbehaved, the person impacted, and any relevant stakeholders. The goal is to discuss the incident, understand perspectives, and collectively develop resolutions.

Community Building Activities:

 Engage in team-building and community-building activities to strengthen the bonds between students and teachers. This can include collaborative projects, games, or other interactive exercises.

Circles of Support:

Establish circles of support for students who may be facing difficulties. These circles involve teachers, peers, and potentially other support staff to provide encouragement, guidance, and understanding.

Peer Mediation:

Train students to act as peer mediators. When conflicts arise, peers can facilitate discussions between those involved and work towards a resolution with the guidance of a teacher or counselor.

Reflection and Accountability:

Encourage students to reflect on their actions and take responsibility for the impact of their behavior. This reflection can be done individually or as part of a restorative conference.

Restitution and Repair:

Focus on restitution and repair rather than punishment. Students can be involved in activities that help them make amends for their actions and contribute positively to the community.

Restorative Language:

Encourage the use of restorative language. This involves promoting dialogue emphasizing understanding, empathy, and resolution rather than blame and punishment.

Restorative Justice Circles:

Implement restorative justice circles as a formalized process for addressing conflicts. These circles involve a structured dialogue where participants share their perspectives and work together to find solutions.

Goal Setting:

Collaboratively set goals with students to address their behavior. This can include personal development goals, academic goals, or goals related to improving relationships with peers.

Mentoring Programs:

Establish mentoring programs where students are paired with a mentor (teacher, staff member, or older student) who can provide guidance and support.

Conflict Resolution Training:

Provide training for both students and teachers on conflict resolution skills. This includes communication techniques, active listening, and problem-solving strategies.

Positive Reinforcement:

Emphasize positive reinforcement for desirable behavior. Celebrate and acknowledge students when they contribute positively to the school community.

Circles for Emotional Expression:

Use circles as a platform for students to express their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. This can help prevent the buildup of negative feelings that may contribute to misbehavior.

Classroom-based Strategies 

One of the critical aspects of creating a positive classroom environment is the role of the teacher as a role model. Teachers have a unique position in the school ecosystem, and every action they take has the potential to create a ripple effect that extends beyond the classroom. Teachers must exemplify kindness, respect, and effective communication to foster a culture of mutual respect, understanding, and repair. When teachers embody these values, they set clear expectations and inspire students to follow their lead.

Here are some effective classroom-based strategies that promote a positive learning environment:

  • Cultivate mutual respect by respectfully treating each student's background, ideas, and contributions. Demonstrating dignity and consideration lays the foundation for mutual respect among students.
  • Foster understanding by actively practicing kindness and empathy. This creates a safe space for students to express themselves, and those who feel genuinely cared for are more likely to engage in open and respectful dialogue, fostering understanding of diverse perspectives.
  • Repair and resolve conflicts effectively by modeling effective communication. This equips students with the skills to constructively address and repair conflicts, turning disagreements into opportunities for growth and resolution rather than sources of division.
  • Establish clear and consistent expectations by establishing specific, age-appropriate classroom rules and expectations from the start of the school year. Keep them visible and refer to them regularly.
  • Use positive reinforcement by recognizing and rewarding students for positive behaviors. Celebrating small successes motivates students to continue exhibiting desirable behaviors.
  • Employ effective classroom management techniques by maintaining well-organized classrooms with clear routines and procedures that help prevent behavioral issues. Predictability keeps students engaged and on task.
  • Use proximity control by being physically close to off-task students. This can gently refocus their attention without confrontation.
  • Address behavioral issues calmly and respectfully by using clear and calm communication. Use active listening to understand students' perspectives, encouraging open dialogue.
  • Allow choice and autonomy by letting students have some control over their learning. Offer options for assignments, seating, or activities when possible.
  • Encourage positive peer relationships and teach conflict resolution skills. Students can mediate conflicts and provide emotional support to peers.
  • Use visual aids and nonverbal cues to help students follow routines and expectations, especially for those with special needs.
  • Ensure that consequences for misbehavior are fair and understood, emphasizing responsibility and accountability rather than punitive measures.
  • Create engaging and inclusive lessons that cater to students' needs and learning attitudes. Incorporate various teaching methods multimedia resources, encourage peer support and group work, and maintain a manageable pace for the lesson.
  • Use time-outs and cooling-off periods for students who need a break to regain self-control. A designated time-out area can be helpful, allowing them to calm down, reflect, and return when ready to participate appropriately.

By implementing these effective classroom-based strategies, we can create a positive learning environment where students feel safe, respected, and motivated to learn, and teachers can work in an atmosphere that supports their professional growth and well-being.

Promoting positive behavior: Strategies for student success

Read article

Addressing Misbehavior in the Moment

In every classroom, instances of misbehavior arise, necessitating prompt and effective management. Educators must have a well-defined plan to address these situations and uphold a positive learning environment swiftly.

While adhering to school policies and approaches, it is equally crucial to personalize your response, considering your unique approach to handling misbehavior. Tailor the strategies and rules to align with your teaching style and the dynamics of the specific group of students within the school community. Recognize that finding your way to implement these measures enhances their effectiveness and fosters a harmonious and constructive environment.

Classroom Management Strategies

A key component of effective classroom management is having a pre-established plan that delineates how disruptive behavior will be addressed and the ensuing consequences. This plan, communicated to all students at the start of the academic year, sets clear expectations for behavior.

When addressing misbehavior in the moment, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor is paramount. Avoid raising your voice or expressing anger, recognizing that such reactions can potentially escalate the situation. Instead, communicate with firmness and assertiveness while staying emotionally above the issue.

Managing Disruptive Students

In dealing with disruptive students, it is imperative to address the behavior rather than singling out the student. Refrain from calling out names; instead, direct attention to the specific behavior that requires correction. For instance, instead of saying, "John, stop talking," opt for a more behavior-focused approach, such as, "I need everyone to be quiet right now."

Emphasizing the importance of language and composure in these moments is crucial. By avoiding judgment, shame, and emotional reactions, educators can address misbehavior effectively while reinforcing a positive and constructive learning environment.


Reflecting on how we would handle our grandad's misbehavior today, armed with our current knowledge, opens up a gateway to profound change. Consider the ripple effect from addressing misbehavior with compassion and understanding. If we had approached our grandad with empathy in the past, his life could have been transformed into one marked by emotional growth instead of punitive cycles. This shift in perspective, breaking the generational pattern, would have laid the groundwork for resilience, understanding, and improved mental well-being. Breaking the cycle holds immense power in influencing individual destinies and collectively shaping the experiences of future generations.

In contemplating this alternative narrative, we find inspiration in the possibility of rewriting not just our grandad's story but the stories of those who came after him, including ourselves. It's a reminder that our choices today, rooted in compassion and empathy, possess the transformative power to create a legacy of understanding and resilience for future generations.

The shared responsibility of educators becomes not only a commitment to the present but a gift to the future. This gift transcends generations, leaving an indelible mark on human connection and understanding. As we navigate the complexities of student behaviour, we better remind ourselves that our choices today can shape a more compassionate and empathetic world for future generations.


Allen, K., Kern, M.L., Vella-Brodrick, D. et al. What Schools Need to Know About Fostering School Belonging: a Meta-analysis. Educ Psychol Rev 30